We applaud a new bill, S.B. 1057, to protect the Alpine horse herd!
January 26th
Recent shootings and removals of Alpine horses in Northeastern Arizona, have spurred action from State legislators. Newly introduced bill prohibits killing, shooting and slaughtering any horse in the Alpine herd.
Arizona State Capitol, Phx, AZ. (January 26th, 2023) — The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) applauds a new bill, S.B. 1057, sponsored by Senator Kavanagh (R), to protect the Alpine horse herd. Citing the recent shootings and inhumane handling of Alpine wild horses, SRWHMG states that these beloved horses are in urgent need of protection.
S.B. 1057, if passed, would prohibit the shooting and killing of Alpine horses and it would prohibit them from going to slaughter for human consumption. The bill also encourages humane fertility control to stabilize the population and allows for humane adoptions if necessary.
After the horrible shootings and the auctions without limitation on slaughter, there are now fewer than 200 Alpine horses left in the Apache Forest. Horse advocates are urging the public of Arizona to give these horses a voice, just like they gave the Salt River wild horses a voice, which resulted in their protection and humane management.
SRWHMG has been buying up as many horses as possible in the online auctions and facilitated good homes for many, but not all could be saved. Simone Netherlands, president of SRWHMG, said,” It is an outrage that these horses go from their peaceful lives in the forest to simply discarded by the Forest Service, only to end up in slaughterhouses in Mexico. “There are better ways nowadays, and the only reason to disagree with this sensible bill would be if you enjoy seeing wild horses go to a slaughterhouse”, she expressed strongly.
This Saturday January 28th, SRWHMG is holding their 8th annual ride for the Salt River wild horses, and this year it will be all about showing support for the Alpine wild horses! More than 500 Motorcycles and Mustang Cars are already expected and all of the public is welcome to this event!
- The Ride starts at American Legion Post 58 in Fountain Hills where registration is from 9am to 11am.
- The impressive procession for the horses can best be viewed from the pullout at mm 36 on Bush Hwy around 10 am.
- The End Party starts at Superstition Harley-Davidson® Apache Junction from 11am-3pm
- Key note speaker, Simone Netherlands* LIVE MUSIC • Vendors • Give-A-Ways • Food Trucks • Merchandise, Raffles, Giant Group photo & More!
SRWHMG is urging the public to make appointments to meet with their AZ state Senator to ask that they support this important bill immediately, you can also ask for a zoom meeting or phonecall!
This is the number 602-926-3559 that you can call and ask politely who your State senator is (just give them your address) and then she can connect you with his/her office. Don’t just leave a message, but try to really connect with your Senator! Thank you.
Salt River Wild Horse Management Group