We are now 100% sure that all 25 of these horses are actual Alpine wild horses.
We just got done pouring through our thousands of records and ID- ed two of the mares at the Cleburne slaughter Auction in Texas. They are Juniper and Mia! So we are now 100% sure that all 25 of these horses are actual Alpine wild horses
Juniper is only 3 years old and originates from Forest’s band, but she must have escaped roundup the first time when Forest’s band was caught and she was later seen with Phoenix band. Phoenix was saved at Bowie and is now at the Wild Horse Refuge! Juniper is Holly’s daughter and the sister of one of the babies already saved from last auctions.
Mia was also last seen with Phoenix band, but disappeared from the band while her 4 month old colt remained there with Phoenix, so we believe this is when she was rounded up, and that was late last year. Needless to say, its very cruel to separate mares from their foals and then leave the baby without milk in Alpine harsh the winter. We are not sure if he survived. These horses need help from up above right now, because they are for sure going to end up very very badly tomorrow. Everyone please pull out all your stops to find some angels to save them!
Juniper and Mia are only 2 of the innocent victims of the cruel way the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service is disposing of our American icons. #shameonASNF *We don’t have face pictures to ID any others so far.
From the cool pines of the Apache Forest to the hot humid Cleburne slaughter auction in Texas, the sale of these 25 scared Alpine wild horses starts tomorrow evening, at 8 pm. ( Texas time, which is 6 pm AZ time. )
Against all odds and against the clock, but still we have to try.
Good homes have not been found just yet but at this time we have decided to support the Texas P.A.W 4 The Foundation as they are the only ones so far, willing to do their best to save as many of the Alpines as possible, provided enough funds can be raised to care for them.
They need $3500 per horse to be able to bail them, hold them, feed them and/or transport to permanent homes and also keep some.
We have a few possible homes, but they are out of state, so those would also first go to PAWS4 and because time is of the essence those arrangements can be made later. Homes are needed from all corners of the US!!
These ladies seem to have a realistic mindset, a good setup to keep unhandled mustangs, and volunteers as well.
Okay, there is literally no time left, so this is the desperate fundraiser for the Alpines at Cleburne!! Every $3500 saves ONE innocent Alpine. ALL of what we raise here will go to PAWS4 immediately.
They will keep us updated on what happens.
Absolutely help please if you can, THANK YOU!!