We are the only ones standing in the way of total annihilation of all wild horses in Arizona.
We are the only ones standing in the way of total annihilation of all wild horses in Arizona, and if you like the wild horses, we need you to stand with us.
Meta took away our monthly donation button and replaced it. All of your monthly donations were simply canceled. That hurts small organizations like ours, especially when having to stand up to big goliaths and lying kaniving desperate contractors.
Now Facebook replaced it with subscriptions. We made the subscriptions really cheap (1.99) so that they will be just a small token of appreciation for our work. But we are thinking that if everyone on our page really does it, then no one will have to spend a lot and you’ll be getting our news and updates first, (before non subscribers), and more importantly, you’ll be supporting the horses, and maybe we could get more done.
So we will be providing first updates, breaking news and horse stories from now on, to our subscribers first, meta helps the subscribers to see it first. The funds will go directly into our overhead fund, which is our survival fund, and our goal is 1000 subscribers. This money will not go to pay anyone, but just our overhead costs to exist, which are very low but also very boring, like website maintenance and utilities etc.
It seems sometimes that everyone forgets that we are all volunteers, that we do not get paid by the government and that we do not have unlimited time. We cannot be everywhere all at once, although we try, and we cannot win every battle for wild horses, unless we get more support.
Also, while some people think we are public servants, we are not, and actually have no obligation to tell everyone everything, in fact all of our proprietary information of 25+ years of documentation keeps the horses safe. Our first obligation is to the horses.
We could not be more thankful for everyone sharing our posts and our stories, but some people then steal our stories and try to make it theirs instead of supporting us, or even giving little mention of SRWHMG. They tell the stories as if its just a normal thing that the wild horses are still on the river. But it’s not normal.
Everywhere else in the country, wild horses are losing,..the public is losing. It’s because people are too scattered, only wanting attention for their own stuff, only wanting to see cute things, without really worrying about helping to make change. Maybe everyone just counts on SRWHMG getting it done, but without more support, time is running out.
Photographers who have their beautiful subjects to photograph, can take their pictures, because we spend our every waking hour protecting them.
Simple fact is that not many people give any thought to what actually goes into it, and how many people are sacrificing their personal lives to manage them humanely and fight for them. But that’s us.
We spend the money on the attorneys even when people don’t think its very exciting to donate to that. We give money to other rescues while sacrificing raising money for our own rescues, (42 of them). We even share their fundraisers and send our supporters elsewhere, only to get those rescues not doing the right thing for the horses themselves. (Although not all the rescues are disappointing)
Then there are those “horse advocates” who aren’t really horse advocates, but just live to desperately gain some attention by making up bad stuff, because if u pretend we are the bad guys, then everyone wants to know about it right? They try to compete for attention is all it is. Its far too easy to bash anyone on the internet.
There is so much stuff you see that makes not an ounce of sense, but you can write anything without proof and the foolish are easily fooled., right. So ask people for PROOF if we have ever done even one horse wrong, because it is not there. And if you think it is, we’d love to see it!
People who want to get rid of the horses want to get rid of us.
They have a stake in dividing horse advocates.
The motivation to get rid of us comes from the very dark cellars of the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service and its contractors, and is perpetuated only by
- the real enemy
- the real attention cravers
- the the real ignorant
Sadly there are no other organizations standing in the way of the total annihilation of all wild horses in Arizona.
Thats why we formed a group many years ago and gave up our individualities, because not one individual on their own can save them, but together we have, and we can do it again.
However, we are not the HSUS or ASPCA or CBD with big offices in Washington DC. We are simple citizens, giving our time and hearts to preserve a very important piece of our history. Simply, because no one else is doing it.
But we don’t have to. We have no obligation to keep doing it. WHAT would happen if we quit tomorrow?
Today, we are on strike to think about it. And we want you to think about it also. Today, besides for our staunch supporters we know and love, we want to see how many of you are really with us. How many of you will give us a small token of appreciation?
We have some additional sad news today, and we are working on a report still. If you want the latest news first, you can now subscribe to our page. $1.99 per month is less than a cup of coffee, actually less than the milk you poor in your coffee!
But if everyone here really does it, then no one will have to spend a lot, and you’ll be getting all the news first. (We might even go subscription only soon, so that the enemy can’t spy on us anymore.) We will think about it.
Please today, while we think about it, play a small part and click subscribe and then click share afterwords. Justice is the sword we carry. Thank you!
Picture by SRWHMG Christine Burkhart of Spring and Wonder. Checked on them today and they are doing well.