We Found an Adoptive Home for one Luck Mule!
January 21st
Adoptive homes are very hard to find for equines that just need to retire, but this is one lucky mule who found one!
Frankie Fourpeaks, the abandoned mule we rescued from four peaks road, has arrived at his forever home in beautiful Southeast Arizona, at the foot of the Chiricahua Mountains and his new name is Tucker!
We want to thank Sharon Good and Rob Smith, for providing this lovely home. Tucker has everything an equine could hope for, new friends, great healthcare and lots of room to explore. Best of all, he can stay there forever and will never be abandoned or end up in a bad place again.
It was a 4 hour trip for our volunteers to take him one way, but they said it is absolutely beautiful there. Sharon has an Airbnb on the property which is a lovely getaway for anyone interested in going to hug on Tucker! See comments for the link to the airbnb!
We are looking for more good retirement homes for 3 more abandoned stray horses we rescued from the Tonto National Forest! Please share for more good homes. Message us if you can provide one!
#Goodhomes4horsesThank you! SRWHMG.