We have a wide variety of color in the Salt River! Look at Paquito!

Home » We have a wide variety of color in the Salt River! Look at Paquito!
We have a wide variety of color in the Salt River! Look at Paquito!

We have a wide variety of color in the Salt River! Look at Paquito!

We have a wide variety of color in the Salt River wild horses including greys, bays, sorrels, duns, chestnuts, and some absolutely stunning roans. The difference between a roan and a grey is that the face of a roan always stays their base color (bay in this case) and with a grey, their face greys out with their body.

This is Paquito, son of Paquita and Red Wind. He is only 5, but wow he is growing up spectacular! (left pic is him as a baby.)

This Picture was posted by SRWHMG supporter Erik Vaughan.

To see more spectacular pictures like this, check out our community photography page: Salt River Wild Horses – Advocates (Don’t forget the -Advocates)