We have an honest to goodness stalker.
We have an honest to goodness stalker, she is obsessed with us and works very hard to make herself look like the hero and us like the worst people ever! She is no hero, as what she is doing is not only harming our cause, but jeopardizing the entire herd. Anti wild horse factions are spreading her lies as truth, and using it as ammunition to get horses removed. She is either too dumb to realize or she doesn’t care. With us gone, the horses will be gone soon there after.
What some people do not understand is that our feed program becomes active, only when there is not enough forage. When the horses become too skinny they would have to be removed, that is why we work hard to keep them healthy. It costs $14,000 per month to supply 4 feed stations, with is very difficult to raise funds for. (Please don’t forget about us on giving Tuesday)
We are tired of the opportunistic pictures and lies. SRWHMG.