We Need Your Help
We are having a bad colic season. The mesquite beans have gotten wet, and the horses keep eating them, which is giving them colic. (A very bad stomach ache from impaction, that can kill them)
Our team is non stop in emergency mode, we administer banamine in severe cases when we can, which reduces the pain and can save their life. The young horse in this picture has been administered banamine, please help us hope that she is going to make it.
We need your help, if you see a wild horse that is down and rolling, or a foal that is allone, or a deceased horse, please call our hotline asap. (480) 868 9301. Please then stay with the horse at a distance, until our volunteers can get there. We appreciate the help. We also really appreciate donations to our rescue fund. Www.srwhmg.org Thank you so much. SRWHMG.
Photo by Jennifer Connelly