Welcome to the herd, Moonshadow!
September 9th
Yesterday’s name responses were overwhelmingly for:
Thank you so much for participating and helping to name this special new black foal!
As all of you know, we work very hard every day, to keep the Salt River wild horses wild and free. Through our PZP program, our Supplemental Feed Program and through collaboration with the AZDA and USFS (State and Federal governments), this little filly has a chance at a bright future on our public lands, and the public has a chance to enjoy watching her grow up.
SRWHMG does not get paid by the government and no one in SRWHMG gets paid a salary. No one in our organization asks for attention, credit, or glory, but everyone in our organization does it for this one amazing reward… seeing them grow up wild and free. So, welcome to the herd, sweet Moonshadow!
With thanks and appreciation to the AZDA and USFS.
For the public and by the public, SRWHMG.
Picture by GP Walsh Photography.