Wild Horse Wars.
💕 Your support means far more than you know in this seemingly endless battle. Thank you for pulling out all the stops to save the last Alpines at the Cleburne auction last night! With the help of P.A.W 4 The Foundation , they are on the trailer to their forever sanctuary Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary right now!! Nirvana will do their best to post as soon as they arrive today.
We know you are here with us making a difference, and if you donated, it really doesn’t matter how much it was, you turned their tragedy into a happy ending! In total it was only really 210 people who stepped up. This is always sad to us because it could have been 21,000 people and then the burden would be far less for everyone, but that makes us even more grateful to you 210 amazing changemakers!
What is sad is that we had to spend most of it on their ridiculously high purchase price and what is even sadder is that they weren’t costing anyone a dime living on our public lands where they provide tourism opportunities and free wildfire abatement.
We have to address this quickly also: If you’ve seen critical “Horse Advocates” behind their screens spreading libel and egregious lies about SRWHMG, please realize they are actually worse than the real enemies of wild horses. (who at least admit they are against wild horses.)
We are busy saving Alpines and working hard in the field in the TNF, so we have no time to respond to every made up fabrication. These “advocates” who act like they care about horses, never actually ask us about anything, and have us blocked from everywhere, so they want to distort the truth but don’t want to know the truth. They are either too dumb to realize they are working with the ememies, or their jealousy is so all encompassing that they don’t care the horses will be the victims. Criticizing our every move does nothing good.
Right now the lies are at an all time high because Jackie Hughes might be feeling a little threatened by the lawsuit we have against her. Her strategy is to get her “horse advocate dummies” to spread her fabricated stories for her, because she needs SRWHMG gone.
So if you want to crucify us for keeping Tristan with his band, or for having a feed and water station behind our property, or for compromising with the FS and AZDA sometimes, or for chosing to move horses from Butcher Jones so they could all stay, well go ahead, but realize that the Salt River wild horses are still here because of every decision we have ever made, and we make those decisions very carefully. The minute we are destroyed or go broke, there will be no more Salt River herd. We urge you to stop believing complete fabrications on the internet please. They are there because people want attention.
We are here to make a difference for the Salt River wild horses and eventually for all wild horses everywhere. That’s why we are the threat to roundup contractors. But we won’t go away if you (our amazing supporters) won’t.
Here is a picture of a strategy meeting we had this weekend with our volunteers, just to show you we are on the ball. So from all of our grateful hearts, thank you for your support!
Very sincerely, all of us.