Wonder is safe!

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Wonder is safe!

Wonder is safe!


We have not found Wonder or the band yet, but we have a little bit of hope that the band may have found Wonder themselves, because someone sent us a video, its an unclear one, but we are trying to enhance to see if Wonder is in it.

Our second shift of fresh people is going out right now, (first shift is totally exhausted and overheated.) And yes we still appreciate any help for a sighting of Lindor’s band!! Call our hotline if you find either the band, or Wonder please. We want to thank our amazing volunteers and all of our supporters for helping! Thank you! 🙏


ALERT! WE NEED HELP!! We don’t normally ask for help since we have a ton of volunteers in action already, however, this is an emergency.

We need as many experienced kayakers and paddleboarders as possible to help us search for Wonder!!

He was seen just a little while ago by volunteers and supporters, he was having a hard time with the current, in what we call the chute, which is the channel between CB Island and the rez side. This is the last picture we have, by SRWHMG Erin Yager, and right now his band is without Wonder, calling for him, they are in the trees across from CB boulders.

To help, please get in at the boulders at CB, and take a right at CB Island, then float down the chute (but be careful and stay safe) and look for him everywhere u can! He may have floated down with the stream also. We need to fan out far and wide, this is our most precious baby Wonder!

We need our hotline right now for emergency communication, so please text our hotline when u enter the water, but only call our hotline when you find him, 480 868-9301.

If u find him, don’t approach, but call our hotline right away please. Bring branch cutters if possible, in case he is stuck in branches.

Please take directions from our volunteers who are already there.
Please share this on all kayakers and paddleboard pages thank you!!

Pray we find Wonder safe and sound, Thank you!

Pic of Wonder by SRWHMG Christine Burkhart.