Your Donations are Hard at Work Every Day!
Here are just some of the things we do with YOUR donations EVERY SINGLE day to keep the Salt River wild horses safe and healthy :
- We haul bales of hay on carts to 12 different emergency feed stations along the river. (the cost has risen to $12,000 per month.)
- We fill water tanks, and are waiting for permission for larger ones for the BJ horses. ($1000 per month and rising.)
- We rescue the suffering, and give care to 12 rescues and their medical bills. (Averaging $4000 per month and rising.)
- We fix broken fences and install gates to keep wild horses off the roads, ($700 per month and rising, we keep costs low with donated materials.)
- We clean up the Tonto National Forest while we are out monitoring horses, (cost $300 in supplies, and rising.)
- We print safety signs, we open and close the Forest Service gate each morning and night, we get horses off the road, we educate people in the field, we douse camp fires, we fight for safety measures on the roads, and we respond to every emergent situation involving a Salt River wild horse….These are just our daily physical activities and do not include any of our educational campaigns or our humane birth control program.
Our volunteers work until they they can no more, in triple digit temperatures, every day. They pay their own expenses, and ask for nothing in return,.. EXCEPT for your donations..so that we can keep up the hard work!!We are in urgent need for more monthly sponsors, because of our rising monthly costs!! Any amount helps, because we operate on the principal of accumulative power of the public.Won’t you please consider funding us?SRWHMG will do the work, all you have to do is make it possible!With your monthly donation, you’ll know every penny will go to the horses, and you’ll know you are part of saving an important Arizona treasure.
With every monthly donation will come a surprise wild horsey gift!You can click donate on our Facebook Page or you can Paypal us at Saltriverherd@respect4horses.com, or you can send in a check, or you can click this link to our website : https://saltriverwildhorsemanagementgroup.org/make-a-contr…/