💔 Devastating news

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💔 Devastating news

💔 Devastating news

💔 We have some devastating news about the amazing lead stallion Zen, who was purchased and rescued by P.A.W 4 The Foundation , who was quarantining at the facility owned by “Stephen the trainer”.

Upon discovering a devastating head and lung infection, and upon veterinarian advice, the difficult mutual decision was made to humanely euthanize Zen. We agreed with this decision after discussions with all involved.

He was a most gorgeous and very special stallion and we are all devastated.

Zen had been very sick, just like every other horse that was purchased at the Cleburne auction on June 24th. They have shipping fever, which is basically a severe upper respiratory infection. One other adult stallion ( with a different rescuer) had already died from it.

After having been treated with two doses of strong long lasting antibiotics, (Exceed) Zen was expected to recover just like the others, but was not showing great signs of improvement.

Because its a remote area with no equine hospital near, Charlotte found a veterinarian who was able to come out to treat his eye. But Zen was taking a turn for the worst.

Once under sedation, the vet discovered that the infection had gone into his brain. This explained Zen’s neurological and breathing symptoms.

While Zen’s blind eye was hardly hindering him in the wild (he was a powerful lead stallion of a huge band) we believe it was a weakness at the auction, which was a cesspool of flies, bacteria, and viruses. In emaciated and exhausted condition, after days of travel in extreme heat, these horses were run through the chutes and through the auction. Zen hit his head and his eye several times and experienced high stress conditions for prolonged periods of time.

Zen was named for the amazingly peaceful life he was leading. He went from a vibrant healthy lead stallion with a huge family, to the emaciated condition he was in upon his arrival at the auction, to a mortally ill and broken spirit.

Zen lost everything at the hands of the actions of the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest and it’s contractor, and we lost a truly magnificent specimen of a historic wild horse, so close to his storybook ending.

We could not be more sorry for mankind and the barbaric careless cruelty done onto you. May you run forever free beautiful innocent Zen.💔

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