6 year anniversary!
May 12th
6 year Anniversary! YOU the public gave the Salt River wild horses their voice. Our Non Profit organization then worked with Congress, the Governor and State legislators and worked on positive solutions with Federal and State governments. We lobbied for House Bill 2340 and it worked; 6 years ago, on May 11th 2016 Governor Doug Ducey signed the Salt River Horse Act.
The bill did not become law until the State entered into an agreement with the Forest Service which turned the bill into Revised Statute 3-1491- this happened in 2017. According to this IGA (Intergovernmental Agreement) the AZDA hired a Salt River horse Liaison and published an RFP for the management of the horses to which we applied and were contracted in 2018.
This is what authorized us to start the humane birth control program and also regulates all of our other management tasks like rescue when needed, the emergency feed program, fencing maintenance etc.
This partnership between the federal government, the State Government and a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) is a one of its kind and is working.
So close to being gone forever, the Salt River wild horses still roam along the banks of the lower Salt River, enjoyed by the thousands of visitors to the Tonto National Forest.
We will never forget this day.
Thank you to everyone who helped and played a role.