March 12th
Hooray!Enough rain fell this morning to wet Neiman’s back. We are hopeful that it will also be enough to get the grasses growing and blanket the forest in beautiful green once again, so that we will be able to end the feed program.
So far this drought has spanned 6 months of last year and almost 3 months of this year, and we have spent a total of $91,000 on certified weed free alfalfa, and are in need of the next semi-load again. While the feed program is difficult to sustain for this long, it has improved horses’ body scores dramatically and continues to keep them healthy. Horses look great and no horses have died from colic or starvation since 2018, even with their reduced habitat and through the worst of natural circumstances.
Update March 12th.
Neiman here, the old lead stallion, still looks skinny but is greatly improving from how emaciated he was just a month ago. He had a rotting tooth plus a long molar that was digging a hole/ulcer in the roof of his mouth. He was in terrible pain each time he took a bite, but last month we were able to do a very nice thing for him together with the AZDA. Our veterinarian fixed his mouth issues in the field (without having to rescue him). We have been managing his rehabilitation since, and he is slowly but surely gaining his weight back, which means the operation was a success. (See his field operation below)
Mean girls club
If you have seen negative comments about Neiman, we want to assure you they are 100% fabricated and originate from a few women who are obsessed with bashing our organization. You may have noticed they twist and turn everything we do, into something absolutely horrible, even when it entails a lifesaving operation like this. No sooner had we published Neimans field operation or they started targeting Neiman and our volunteers who take care of him in the field.
They ridiculously claimed that we were not watering Neiman enough, just because they found an upside down water trough. (We turn the trough upside down after Neiman drinks, because we do not want the other horses to become reliant on water in that area, it is only for him because he was weak.) They then insist wild horses need water in front of their face “always always always”, yet, when horses are at the permanent large water troughs, well then it’s very bad and sad, according to many of their posts.
It may not need explanation, but we go over and above in our humane management and care of the Salt River wild horses, together with our veterinarians and state veterinarians and the AZDA. Our expert care of wild horses in the field is unmatched anywhere in the world.
It will take Neiman several more months to rehabilitate fully, but he is doing amazing.
With many thanks to our dedicated volunteers and our dedicated supporters.
P.S. If you encounter a mean girls post, please let them know their hate is toxic and wrong…and hurtful, not just to hardworking honest people, but to the very horses they claim to care about.
Thank you for your support. All of us, SRWHMG.
Click here to watch the video!