In regards to hate on social media… we don’t like it.
In regards to hate on social media, towards anyone who’s ever even rescued even one horse… we don’t like it. It seems like a feeding frenzy over something that could very well be nothing. Of course, if horses are in trouble anywhere, we don’t like that either and we understand the concern. So we are looking deeper into it. And we will let you know soon. If we found that there was a desperate situation, then we would try to help, not hurt. Because if you try to take someone down without actually helping, then where does that leave the horses?
We have been invited to visit the rescue in question and we appreciate that and will take video and pictures and carefully assess. Until then, we will ask everyone to hold judgment, because hate has never helped any horse.
Also, let’s not forget who is actually the responsible party for flooding the rescue market with wild horses, who had a perfectly good home in the forest. It’s not fair for the government to burden society like that, and take away the opportunity to view them in the wild in the Apache Forest. Don’t you think they love to see the focus taken off of them? If all of us on the same side of the playing field are infighting, then for sure the other side is laughing while scoring the winning goal. (Zeroing out the population)
Also, no organization has “given” the rescue in question any Alpine wild horses, they were purchased by the rescue, and therefore it’s not up to us or any other large organization to tell them what to do.
There’s a better way to handle things. Just like there’s also a better way to manage wild horses. There’s always a better way! That’s what we look for and work towards. Thank you everyone!
FYI the picture is of 3 Alpine wild horses, showing how difficult it gets sometimes to identify them all!