Abandoned in the Tonto National Forest
August 14th
You left me, just when I needed you most.
I carried you through thick and thin, I helped you travel lands, I let you steer me step by step, my leads in your cold hands.
When you went through hardships, you knew you could press on, undaunted in your darkest hours with me to lean upon.
Performed until I could no more, I was fast because you asked, I know I gave you all I could, it was no easy task.
But my life is not long as yours, alas I’m nearing my end. You left me when I needed you most and I do not understand.
Take me out for one last ride, and I will ask you why. I was always there for you, why leave me here to die?
Old Faithful.
By Simone Netherlands.
Old Faithful was abandoned on the evening of August 10th right on Coon Bluff Road. Reportedly, he ran after the horsetrailer that was leaving him. It was a 4 door light grey silver Chevy Silverado with an approximate 20’ newer silver stock trailer driven by a older man, grey hair white hat. Unfortunately we do not have the lisence plate. If you know this horse or person, please contact us. (480) 868-9301. Please share so someone may possibly recognize him.
We want to thank Shannon Lorrance for lending us truck and trailer to transport him to our facility. We want to thank SRWHMG volunteers Jon who caught him and transported him, Steve and Dina as well as Deb and Karen who got him a nice stall ready in our quarantine area and let him know that not all humankind will betray him. Our caretaking team is now taking care of him and we will be trying to find him the perfect forever home.
Old faithful is super sweet and easy to handle. He is sway backed from old age and being ridden his whole life. We could immediately tell that he was missing someone. The fresh saddle mark indicated that the saddle had just been taken off for the last time- by the man who just to left him there. We almost named him old yeller because he called out the entire night, didn’t give our volunteers much sleep and was very sad.
It is so hard to understand the types of owners that dump a loyal horse after a lifetime of service. Old Faithful doesn’t understand either, but at least he is one of the lucky ones.
Old Faithful needs hoofcare, vetcare and a good home. To donate, please click here.
Thank you for your support. SRWHMG.