She has a name!

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She has a name!

She has a name!

August 11th

She was born in the northern hills of the Salt River Horse habitat on a rare rainy day in Arizona, a state that cares about their wild horses. She was born in Salt River horse habitat, a place where she has a legal right to live, because of intergovernmental cooperation agreements and our (SRWHMG) state contract to humanely manage them.

She is definately a little soul who maneuvered her way into the world (See our previous post explaining the dart failure). She is destined to spread an abundance of joy to all of the public, who can witness her growing up wild and free. (at a respectful 50 ft minimum distance please)

She was born in Serta’s band out of mare Minnie and sire Serta. This makes her a half sister to our rescued Rosco (now 6 yrs old) , and also half sister to lead stallion Mick, who has his own band. Minnie is an experienced mother and she has plenty of milk. Lead stallion Serta has not just one, but two lieutenant stallions. These stallions (One Knee and Surferdude) can be seen any time you see Minnie and baby, look on the outskirts of the band. They are sometimes double trouble, but most of the time double protection for the whole band.


Photo by SRWHMG Rick Blandford.


As everyone has already noted this filly is all legs. Her pastern ligaments were a little weak her first few days but have strengthened up by the incredible distances she has already walked. We monitored Serta’s band closely and calculated that they traveled 7 miles up and around the rocky hills each day and back to our feed station at night, so by the time we announced her at two weeks old, she had already walked over 100 miles! That’s what you do when you are wild and free!

So we asked for your opinion and overwhelmingly the vote for her name was for Makenzie (spelled just like that). This means a lot to us because this name will honor our Salt River Horse Liaison, who is instrumental in the management of this cherished herd.

As most of you know, Makenzie is with the AZDA (the Arizona Department of Agriculture) under which we (SRWHMG) are contracted for the humane management of the Salt River wild horses. Under that contract it is our job to reduce the population of horses through humane fertility control, and also keep the herd healthy and address injuries.

We already have a horse named Killian (he was the first born of 2019) after the director of the AZDA, and a horse named Ducey (he was the first born of 2017), obviously after our governor who was also instrumental in saving this herd. We think it is important to recognize the significance of people who are helping to keep this herd wild and free.

With all of the heartbreaking roundups happening across the country, we really need people to understand that what is happening in our neck of the woods, is special. We do a lot of hard work for these horses on our own dime and time, and both our local Federal government and State government are cooperative and supportive. Therefore in turn it is important to celebrate and hopefully perpetuate that success. It is a success not only for the horses who get to stay free, but for the public who gave them a voice.

It is also the public whom we rely on for financial support for this herd. You can help support our programs and you can even sponsor a Salt River wild horse here on our website.

It is special, groundbreaking and unprecedented that little Makenzie gets to stay wild and free for the public to appreciate and enjoy. The SR herd has a little under 20.000 acres to roam on, which includes unencumbered access to 14 miles of the lower Salt River. The only fences in this habitat are the ones surrounding it, to keep them safe. These wild horses are an economic asset and beautiful recreational resource for Arizona, and that means a lot.

So please support our efforts and join us in setting an example. Not only in keeping little Makenzie healthy wild and free, but also creating a better future for all wild horses everywhere.

For the public and by the public, SRWHMG.