Alls Well Ends Well
Does anyone remember this helicopter that we were concerned about? Well we have to give H5 Helicopter company a lot of credit for changing and adjusting their procedures to protect wild horses, plus helping us out in a big way!
They were most gracious in their response to a pretty harsh public lashing. In a meeting with them, the owner indicated that he loves wild horses and said: “H5 Helicopters has a love and passion for the natural beauty of Arizona and truly appreciate all of the miracles in God’s amazing creation. We are very appreciative of the work that Salt River Wild Horse Management Group is doing to help improve the plight of one of Arizona’s great natural treasures, the wild horses who inhabit our beloved State”. He also said that he would love to help SRWHMG in case we ever needed it.
Well, this week during the relocation project, we became extremely worried about a stallion who became seperated from his mare and very young foal. He was the only one who turned around and escaped us, and we could not find him anywhere afterwords.
So we remembered our meeting and we asked H5 helicopters for help!… Not even 30 minutes later their helicopter landed on MCSO’s helipad to pick us up to look for them! After combing the entire area where we last saw Maverick, the stallion, we decided to check the river just in case.
We could barely believe it when we saw them from the air, so we sent our ground crew to confirm it; yes this is Maverick, and his beloved mare and young foal, reunited and at the river! This means that he had to jump two fences to get to her! How’s that for true love?
We were elated and we could not be more thankful to H5 helicopters for their help.
There is a perfectly safe way to fly high enough over wild horses without disturbing them, and we now trust this company 100% to apply those principles. So if you see this helicopter next time hovering high over wild horses, they are probably checking on the horses’ well being for us!
We now need your help to thank them for their gracious response and generous help and give them great ratings on their social media and Google pages to make up for all of the negative ones.
Thank you H5 Helicopters!
Thank you dear supporters!