#AlpineWildHorses update
June 17th
Alpine’s band (with new babies), meets Majestic’s band w new babies, taken at the end of May by AWHA. How nauseating that they were captured right after this.
Alpine was the very first stallion and band we documented in the Apache Forest, hence his name. It is nauseating that both of these peaceful bands, who weren’t harming anyone, are now in THIS weekends online auction by Rail Lazy H. Can we pull it off again to save them? We really don’t know and cannot guarantee it, but we are trying!
It is incredibly expensive for transport, health certificates, coggins, feeding and people traveling, and manpower – we are so busy and overwhelmed with making arrangements, we have not been able to post a new fundraiser. But we are trying!
New idea? Suppose every one of our supporters would start their own fundraiser for one of these horses, that would add up to perhaps another big save. We asked the wild horse refuge and incredibly, they will take them in! We would need $500 minimum per horse for bail, transport, coggins, and feed.
Coconino, Majestic, Roman, and half-blind Snip and their bands are already safe, thanks to last weeks HUGE rescue effort and fundraiser.
Removed so unjustly, dishonestly, callously, roughly, uncaringly by the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, #ShameonASNF, while 1700 cows get to roam in the same forest peacefully, despite the “environmental concerns” which are the reason for these removals. Both the Apache Forest and this entire operation, reek terribly of cattle manure.
Many animal welfare concerns are becoming apparent, including there are missing babies in this auction as well as last auction.
(These are online auctions without limitation to slaughter.)
#thewildhorserefuge #keepthemwildandfree #wildhorses #alpinewildhorses #shameonASNF #IStandWithWildHorses #shameoncbd #istandwithwildhorses #alpinewildhorses #saltriverhorses #srwhmg #saltriverwildhorses #saltriverherd #governorhobbs #senatorMarkkelly #shameoncbd #saltriverherd #azda #governorhobbs #senatormarkkelly #senatorsinema #repschweikert #repgrijalva #repSiscomani