ANOTHER Dumped Horse in the Tonto National Forest!
We had to rescue yet ANOTHER dumped horse in the Tonto National Forest! SERIOUSLY!
This one is a gelding as well and a little younger than the other one, approximately 16 to18 yrs and the paint looks to be approximately 18 to 20. Both appear healthy and not lame. After getting him safe as well, it was awfully suspicious how happy these two horses were to see each other!
If anyone knows these horses or has seen them in someone’s yard, we sure would love to find out who the person is who a.) starved these horses and b.) left them to die in the desert.
This sweet boy, much like the other, could not wait to get in the trailer; he wanted a bath, a good dinner and a safe place to sleep.
That was quickly provided by our friends and volunteers Mike and Shannon of AZtrailriding.com!
Our AZ Department of Agriculture helped transport this guy and is working with us so that these boys will NOT have to be taken to the auction site in Buckeye! Thank you AZDA! (We told you, they are fantastic)
We are going to make very sure that they will end up in a wonderful forever home, TOGETHER.
Thank you for your support.