Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with these remarkable Cinco de Caballo!

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Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with these remarkable Cinco de Caballo!

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with these remarkable Cinco de Caballo!

EagleEye, a stunning 2016 son of Brighteyes (and brother to MoonShadow, Angeleyes, Buckeye, and Hawkeye ) leads a band of five! With his beautiful ladies, EagleEye demonstrates his capability as a reliable and attentive leader. At just 8 years old, and without a lieutenant, we commend him on his dedication to his band. Happy Cinco de Caballo and happy Cinco de Mayo!
*The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group has developed and owns a comprehensive database app that documents each Salt River wild horse, including photos and notes starting on the day they are born. The app tracks parentage, band changes, migrating patterns, health/injury/death and PZP data. While the app is currently not available to the public, we would love to make it publicly available in the future when the Salt River wild horses are permanently safe.