On this day 5 years ago, a story of love…..Peanut’s rescue story

Home » On this day 5 years ago, a story of love…..Peanut’s rescue story
On this day 5 years ago, a story of love…..Peanut’s rescue story

On this day 5 years ago, a story of love…..Peanut’s rescue story

On May 8, 2019, we received a call to our hotline about a little newborn foal, that we now call Peanut, that somehow had gotten separated from his band and was wondering around alone in the desert trying to join another band that weren’t being very nice to him. The caller recognized that something wasn’t right with the situation and thankfully alerted us. We frantically searched for his mother and waited in the forest with him for 5 hours, (while feeding him milk replacer) in case his mare and his band came back. Our field team searched everywhere, looking for a mare that had recently foaled, or a mare that was frantically calling out for her foal. We also spent the next full day searching for her as well, hoping we would be able to reunite them, but sadly we never found her. After 48 hours had gone by, we accepted that fact that he needed a new family, plus day and night feedings and loving care.

Peanut is a very smart horse and a goofy boy. He loves our volunteers, his newest best friend Agave, and playing with his favorite toys, and helping the volunteers with any chore they may be doing.

The couple that called our hotline that day in May continue to follow Peanut on the rescue page and continue to sponsor him monthly. We are so very grateful to them.

We can only accomplish happy endings like Peanut’s, because of your support. Are you sponsoring a Salt River wild horse yet? You can sponsor Peanut, or any of the rescues on our website.

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