Dear SRP and Dear Supporters
*100% for 100 CFS!*
Dear #SRP and dear supporters, We wanted to show you what it looks like when the river eelgrass is dying. The output from Stewart mountain dam today is 30 CFS and dropping. This video was taken at 3 PM today, October 20th.
As a result of our meeting with SRP upper management, they have promised to conduct a study as to the feasibility of instating a minimum output of 100 CFS from Stewart Mountain dam, for the lower Salt River. The Verde River already has such a minimum, which has done so much for the environment of the Verde River.
The same minimum for the lower Salt River would be a great improvement for the willows and cottonwoods, the water birds, the fish and all of the aquatic life, the eagles, river otters and bevers, and of course the Salt River wild horses. But it would also be great for continued recreation throughout the winter and it would therefore have a positive economic impact on the area.
If you agree with us, please send SRP a polite message through messenger or as a comment on their fb page, say that you are 100% for 100 CFS! #SRPconnect
Thank you! SRWHMG