Exhausted, beat up and scratched up, but they are SAFE!!
June 16th
June 16 23:46 PM
After several setbacks, a million phone calls and texts, and real blood sweat and tears later, HERE ARE THE 21 STUNNING ALPINE STUDS!! What a horrible few weeks it’s been for them!
Coconino, Majestic, Roman, and half-blind Snip in the front!
Removed so unjustly, separated from their families, stuffed in with other frustrated stallions, loaded and unloaded and loaded and unloaded again, completely exhausted, broozed, hungry and defeated, HERE THEY ARE! Some cuts and swollen hocks and fight marks, but no broken bones and no deaths, as far as we know. The last stallion who fell, is OK also.
This week they will get REST, before their coggins testing, which will be a bit of stress again, but after that, they’ll board the transport one last time with their ticket to Paradise!
Please wish them luck and strength to hang in there.
THANK YOU to 225 angels for funding and turning their fate around!! Thank you for the planning arrangements and logistics Simone, thank you for the traveling and ID-ing and documenting Destini and Karen and others, the administrative support Deb and Deb and others, and thank you to our amazing volunteers, who will be taking care of a ton of horses in 3 different places and also to the 3 property owners making that possible. Thank you to the Alpine Wild Horse Advocates (AWHA) and the Wild Horse Refuge, without whom it wouldn’t be possible, and thank you to all of you sharing and commenting on this mission-almost- impossible.
Thank you is just not enough, but we hope that you all realize the huge difference you are helping us make, it’ ALL the difference for them!
Their mares and babies have also arrived safely in a place of rest and recuperation. (Their update is next.)
(This is was an online auction without limitation to slaughter. These are the historic Alpine Wild Horses who are “unauthorized” in the huge Apache Forest which has 1700 “authorized” invasive stinking cows)
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