Flood SRP with phonecalls and emails today!
October 18th
We are calling for a vital change for the ecosystem. We are calling for a minimum of 100 CFS (Cubic Feet per Second) from SRP (Salt River Project) to prevent the die-off of the eelgrass. But it’s not just for the horses, it is sorely needed for the entire ecosystem, including the willows and cottonwoods that need the watertable, and the tadpoles that need time to turn into frogs for the waterbirds to eat etc etc. It’s all interconnected. Plus, people still want to recreate in the winter too!
SRP would have to combine the flow of the Verde plus the flow of the Salt to get to the same combined output, and that would take some effort, planning and timing. But then they could honestly state that they cared about the environment, and we would give them some beautiful footage to use for their advertisements. We cannot think of a better Win-win, all around. Now let’s flood them with phone calls and emails! Please ask them NOT to turn the river off before it’s too late! Please keep it polite. Thank you all!
Email: corporatesecretary@srpnet.com
Phone: (602) 236-4398
#SRP #SRPconnect #100cfs #SRWHMG
Video by Drew Hastings