Happy 4th Birthday Gem!
July 22nd
If nature would have had it’s way, Gem would have died a slow death, because at just 3 weeks old she could no longer stand up, to stay with her mother Sapphire, her Dad Shadowfax and the rest of the band.
She had a broken left phalanx that was infected, which caused her to go septic.
While her fate was grim, her angels would have it a different way and she was rescued by SRWHMG in the nick of time. After many months of 24/7 medical care, Gem recuperated completely, and she lives happily with her new family band at the SRWHMG rescue facility.
Gem’s Birthday wish is to have more sponsors, because her care (plus the other rescues) is not cheap. She needs her supplements, her toys, flymasks and flyspray, her manicures (hoofcare), dental, her breakfast, lunch and dinners and of course loving daily care.
Would you sponsor Gem? The amount per month doesn’t matter, it can even be a dollar, every little bit helps us keep our facility running, which keeps our rescues together. It is also our headquarters from where we manage our field work and feed program for the wilds. Click below.
Without your support, miracles like precious Gem, don’t happen.
Thank you.