❄️ Islands in the stream, that is what they are
❄️ Islands in the stream that is what they are, so loving, living happily, like a family, taking care of eachother. But its only possible because of our donors! These are our Salt River Rescues at our Rescue property along the Beeline. While Alpine wild horses are quite used to snow and cold, our own Rescues were totally surprised by it!
Want updates? Theres a page for that! You can find daily updates on our Salt River rescues, both at our headquarters and in Prescott. Just Search: SRWHMG – wild Rescues, and then fill in the questions to be accepted. (Because we have a right to refuse spammers and haters)
Our rescues live together like a real band, with a lead stallion and a lead mare and the youngsters in between. They each have a best friend within the band also. Our volunteers love watching their dynamics!
None of our rescues have permanent health affects from the original injuries they suffered, except for Mori, -who still has some lasting issues with her skull, and Diamond – who lost his hoof in a cattleguard, but we keep a close eye on both and they get the vetcare they need.
However, even while all of them are healthy now, we cannot put any of them back in the wild. We are simply not authorized to do so, and those are the parameters we have to stick to, if we want to keep our contract.
Some people try to make us look like meanies for not releasing them back, but we are bound by our contract, which we are very grateful for. AZDA Salt River Horse Herd is truly a great partner, and btw, we now have a new Salt River Liaison, whom we will introduce soon! Without this partnership, the Salt River wild horses would be long gone.
Some of our rescues like Batman we would love to release one day if it was allowed, but others, like Shadowfax, we couldn’t, because they definitely need their special mushy 3 meals and 1 snack a day. They are used to a lot of luxury now they don’t get in the forest.
But it takes a lot to upkeep 2 facilities, so these precious guys can live happily ever after. People don’t realize how expensive their care is, unless you have your own horse, then you might understand! Did you know we have 42 rescues now? This includes 18 Alpine wild horses and 22 Salt River horses, plus Cochise an abandoned domestic we recued from the forest, and our retired surrogate mare April. If you sponsor any one of them, you help keep them together! Here’s how.
Thank you for reading this whole post and please enjoy the video and the song, because it just seems like it was made for horses, Islands in the stream. Thank you everyone! SRWHMG