harassing the horses is punishable by law.
June 4th
We understand that the horses are interesting and it may seem fun to mess with them, but it is not. The Salt River wild horses are protected and harassing them is punishable by law. We notice clear intent by this young person to purposely bother the horse and interfere with his natural behavior.
That is not fun, that is cowardly, dangerous and it is harassment. The people who witnessed it, all voiced their dismay, as they should.
Taking video of this type of behavior is the right thing to do, and you can now also call it into the AZDA Dispatch (623) 445-0281 or our hotline (480 868 9301) You may even find out where this person is getting out of the water, so he can get a warning or a ticket.
In addition we will post harassment and we will not protect the identity of anyone who is harassing the horses.
The poor horses put up with so much, and they are so good about it. The horse just went and hid under the brush until he could get reunited with his band again. Thank you for sending us this video.
Please everyone, be considerate and paddle around the horses before you get to them, and stay 50 ft from them at all times. They very much need the water and they deserve to be able to live their lives without being harassed.
Thank you, SRWHMG.