Making it happen, A Hero’s Fundraiser!!
January 9th
Hero’s band, Baldy’s band and Ridge’s band were removed from the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service and are in the online auction right now! (please see latest post)
After you shared that post over 1800 times, we received an amazing commitment from a wildlife sanctuary in Keensburg Colorado to take in all of the horses from this auction!! That is one amazing relief! BUT now that we have a beautiful permanent home for them, we need YOUR help, one more time, to buy them, quarantine them and then get them there!!
So far we have raised $3000 for this lifesaving mission, and we are using some from a previous fundraiser, but we need over $15,000 total!!
The funds are needed for:
- Their purchase price, ($2500)
- Their transport from auction to temporary quarantine, (approx $1500)
- Their coggins/health certificates (150 per horse= $3600)
- Geldings (600 x 4 stallions = $2400)
- Feed for 30 day quarantine approx $3500
- The long trips (2 trailers approx $2500 each) to their forever home on 8000 acres!!
That’s right, 8000 acres!! Yeay for these beauties who have been shot at, but survived!
Please consider contributing to this amazing outcome!! IF everyone can show the love for these horses one more time, they will have a happy ending after all.
Just consider that for less than one lunch or dinner in a restaurant, you can help give a some justice back to these very special Alpine wild horses, as long as everyone pitches in!
The Facebook Fundraiser is here
Or donate directly on our website here:
Sincerely thankful for you our supporters.