It’s National Hug a Horse Day!

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It’s National Hug a Horse Day!

It’s National Hug a Horse Day!

January 21st

It’s National Hug a Horse Day! But please don’t ever try to hug a Salt River wild horse 😉

While wild horses do not have arms for hugging, they do hug each other by bringing their heads and bodies in as close as possible to eachother. The love and comfort they give in this way is undeniable and that’s what a hug is all about.

These sentient and kind characteristics are why we are so passionate about protecting wild horses. They do no harm to anything or anyone, and they deserve no harm done to them.

We love our supporters and we are interested in your pictures; please look through your photos and post a picture of either wild horses hugging, or yourself hugging a horse! (that’s not wild)

One giant hug for all horses everywhere

Happy Hug a Horse Day! SRWHMG.