Our one and only 2021 foal (So far)
April 19th
Our one and only 2021 foal (So far)Please welcome this absolutely beautiful filly to the Salt River herd! She is out of sire Champagne and mom Blue. Taking after her dad, she does not have blue eyes and she does not have the grey factor like her mom and her brother “little Blue”. Therefore we thought it was appropriate to name her to match her Dad Champagne, plus her bubbly personality; we will call her Bubbles! Please join us in making a toast to her staying healthy wild and free!
As most of you know, on account of the enormous popularity of this herd, we always wait to share vulnerable newborns, (as well as injured/monitored horses, or locations), until they are no longer in jeopardy. What happens when sharing newborns or injuries or locations is that too many people at the same time will be drawn in. (Like we’ve seen with feed locations lately) Before you know it there are crowds, that sometimes knowingly or unknowingly interfere with their bonding and development, or healing. (And also, it only takes one bad person.) So we have learned to be very cautious, and we hope you all don’t mind being patient.
The first two weeks of a foals life are the most risky. All kinds of danger looms for them; they can get dehydrated, they can get kicked, they can get lost or stolen, or they can drown. So it is imperative that mom and foal have enough time to bond and that the band does not get split up by bachelor stallions, or by people. We have been monitoring this new mom and foal every day, and she has had a few close calls already, but at two weeks and a few days old now, we feel she is good and strong.
We are so grateful and want to express our thanks to all photographers and volunteers, who also waited patiently, and cared more about this little one, than about the opportunity to be the first to publish this cuteness overload. These are just a small selection of the top 15 most amazing pictures these photographers and volunteers have sent to us. They are all taken with zoom lenses and with respect for the horses. Thank you all so much for keeping her private in her vulnerable first two weeks of life.
Let’s all remember when out photographing, to keep the FOCUS on the well being of the subjects of your photography, so that we can all enjoy them for a long time to come.
As always with thanks to the AZDA for their great partnership in the humane management of the Salt River wild horses.
Photos by Rick Blandford, Chris Markes, Pattie Walsh, Chris Roberson, Robin O’Donnel, Pattie Ranweiler, Rosa Ramsthaler, Debra Mykitiak and Cricket Weber.