Picking up trash is not in the job description, but we do it anyways.
August 19
Picking up other peoples trash is not part of our job description of wild horse management, but we clean it up as much as possible, and here is why. Splendor thought this balloon was fun, but in fact it is so dangerous. We find ingested plastic in horses’ manure (see picture in comments) and we know of at least one horse who died from ingesting plastic… RIP, Tangua.
Please come visit the Salt River and leave your worries and your troubles behind, BUT NOT YOUR TRASH.
Perhaps if the CBD really cared about the environment they’d want to come help pick up some trash, instead of sue the Forest Service over the horses, who are already humanely managed. That would be great for their diminishing reputation also.
Please share if you care, thank you, SRWHMG.ORG