Please help us finish fencing 6 acres for our rescued Alpine wild horses!
September 6th
Please help us finish fencing 6 acres for the Alpine wild horses who were removed by the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service which we purchased at the auction. Because we are full at our SRWHMG facility along the Beeline, Simone is making 6 very green acres available for them in Prescott. They will have to share with the “girls”, who are rescued Black Mountain burros, but we know they will love it!
Of course we were not in need of yet more horses and more chores and more costs, but they were not going to end up in a good place if we hadn’t. We have not raised the funds for their purchase and transport yet, and all together we are only looking for $5000 to help finish everything plus the shade structures too, because winters do get cold in Prescott.
If lots of people can do just a very small amount per month we can count on enough support to maybe get a few more. You’ll be considered an Alpine wild horse sponsor and you’ll be able to come see them on our sponsor day in Prescott! Please let us know if you have any questions. Right now, we have to get back to work, so that we can release them soon! Thank you everyone! 💕