Reunion of rescued Alpine wild horses! Apache finds his lead mare Kiowa!
November 17th – Prelude
🐴💟🐴Apache’s mare finally found in the online auction; will be reunited today!
As most of you know we have been working extremely hard to try and save as many of the removed Alpine wild horses as possible, in the online auctions by Rail Lazy H. Unfortunately even the popular stallion Apache was caught and appeared in the online auction. We purchased him and he safely arrived at SRWHMG a few weeks ago. However, he seems very depressed, and we have been looking for his original mares, to make his life worth living again!
We have documented this herd in detail in the wild, however, the way the auctions are run online makes it very difficult to recognize them. There is only one bad quality picture per horse, which is often taken from the side and not even showing a face. This is a bad way of holding a public auction, not only because it doesn’t encourage sales to good homes, but also, if you actually lost a horse in the forest, (like the ASFS claims), how are you supposed to recognize your horse, before it is gone?
Anyway, regardless of how difficult it is, we are online, studying feet and details, in order to match horses, so that we can reunite them again. We have found some absolute hero sanctuaries and hero people we are now supporting, who are taking in the horses after we’ve matched them.
We’ve paid bail and transport for 45 of the removed Alpine’s so far, and we will be gelding 13 stallions, just so that they can live happily with a few of their mares. In Total, with the help of an Army for the Alpines, 91 Alpine wild horses have found a soft landing!! That’s why we need YOUR support.
91 horses saved is a fantastic accomplishment, however, poor Apache, ripped away from his family, still seems depressed. While he is sweet to the Alpine mare we bought for him, she is not one of his original mares, and we know all too well that wild horses are not random in who they love and chose to protect.
This entire time we have not understood how the contractor is catching these horses as sometimes we find some horses of a band in the auction, but not the others. One of Apache’s mares was even found shot to death in the recent massacre that occurred between Oct 3rd and Oct 5th. We had not found any of his mares in the auction, until this weekend.
We zoomed in and checked her star and compared her legs and it is her! We don’t understand why she is in an auction 4 weeks after Apache’s auction, but regardless, we are so excited! We are on our way now to pick her up as we speak, plus another mare and foal, from Holbrook.
With some luck and good reception we will be doing a Facebook LIVE of their reunion; we cannot wait! You can join us between 2 and 3 o’clock this afternoon! We will tag it #Alpinehorsereunion
Thank you to everybody who’s contributed 💰 money to our Alpine wild horse fund as well as to the rescues we have affiliated ourselves with: Thank you 4hoovesranch (@tay.hoover) and Nirvana (@nirvana.mustang.sanctuary).
Thank you to our brave Alpine Wild Horse Advocates (AWHA) who continue to have a presence in the Apache Forest, and thank you to the Army that is growing for the Alpine wild horses online!! #ArmyfortheAlpines
We thank everybody involved, @workingforsunshine and @nirvana.mustang.sanctuary and @arizonawildhorses for the commitment and help with this herd, who have suffered extraordinary and unfair mistreatment at the hands of the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service #ShameonASFS
Stay tuned for the live broadcast between 2 pm and 3 pm THIS afternoon! …
November 17th – The Reunion!
LIVE reunion rescued Alpine wild horses. #Alpinehorsereunion Apache finds his lead mare Kiowa!
Check out the videos on our Facebook page below.