Socially distance from horses!
August 21st @ 11AM
Stop, let the horses pass, or take a route around them. Have a great time safely and respectfully viewing wild horses! Thank you, AZDA.
Ever had that feeling you were being watched? 🧐
One of the best things about hiking the lower Salt River is turning a corner and spotting some of the Salt River Horse herd. Although difficult sometimes, we encourage everyone to maintain “social distancing” from the horses 🙂
Horses (especially the young ones) are curious but cautious by nature. Never try to approach a Salt River Horse with the intention of feeding, petting, or riding (i know 🙄).
If you find yourself in close proximity with a horse, you can either stop and allow the horse to pass or take a route around them.
Our primary goal is the safety and well-being of both recreational users and the Salt River Horse herd. Thank you for all your support of the herd!!🐴🐴