SPRING into ACTION for the Alpine wild horses because this bill is their very last chance!!!
March 21st
SB 1057 if passed, would make slaughtering and killing Alpine wild horses illegal and it would open a process of negotiation for their humane management. Contrary to what anti-wild horse factions may say, this bill does not prevent removals, but if removed, they would at least end up in good homes or sanctuaries and we would of course like at least a small base population to stay.
Unfortunately, these horses are very much hated by several ranching, hunting, and environmental organizations hard at work behind the scenes.
How things work behind the scenes is not always a democratic process. Right now, this very reasonable bill is being purposely held up in two committees, so that it never gets to a full vote in the Senate. So all of the senators who support humane wild horse management will never get to vote on it.
Committee chair Senator Sine Kerr, and committee Chair Senator Jake Hoffman, are refusing to schedule the bill for a hearing in their committees. Yet, they may have no idea that they are sending these poor horses to their doom, and robbing the public of an important historic treasure. The Alpine wild horses need your voice.
We are calling for humane management of the Alpine wild horses!! Please join us!
YOU can make a difference by calling your own senators and Senator Sine Kerr (Buckeye and Yuma area) and Senator Jake Hoffman (Desert Ridge Area) and asking them to schedule a hearing for SB 1057!!
Please! Thank you!!