Stand against the EA of the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest!
April 21st
This is the only link where you can submit your comment to the horrible, terrible, very bad EA of the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, which proposes to reduce the herd to 50 horses and then let them grow back to 104 horses. (which will then all be inbred). This in fact will mean that every wild horse in northern Arizona who is NOT inside of the territory will be removed, from Forest Lakes to Show Low, which might be over 500 wild horses. The DEADLINE is almost here! This is your last chance, if you care about the Heber wild horses please take a few minutes to really put in your comments for them.
We read all of the EA documents for you and the most important parts are:
- It completely fails to consider increasing the low AML, even while it admits that most previous public comments were about the AML. (Appropriate management level). This AML was determined by only counting the available forage in the WHT (Wild Horse Territory) of 19.000 acres, even while most of the horses live on 300,000 acres outside of the territory, because the territory itself is not hospitable. (horses are even fenced out of large portions of it.)
- It fails to adequately analyze the detrimental effects to the Heber herd should they be brought to an unsustainable number of 50 horses.
- It fails to consider reducing livestock grazing within the WHT, even while there is livestock grazing almost everywhere on the Apache-Sitgreaves Forest outside of the WHT.
- While it considers using PZP after removals, it fails to consider humane fertility control as a means to stabilize and reduce the herd numbers, so that they can stay in the wild, but simply have fewer offspring.
- It does consider several bad ideas of birth control such as gonacon and IUD’s and sex ratio skewing, and these should be dropped from consideration since they do not preserve natural herd behavior.
Please let the forest service know that you care about the Heber wild horses and that they should hold the opinion of the public in highest regard on our public lands. Please let them know that you would like to see the Heber wild horses preserved and humanely managed through fertility control PZP as an alternative to expensive removals.
Please use your own words as this is the only way your comment will be read individually. Thank you for helping to make a difference for the Heber wild horses.
Here is the short link: https://wildhor.se/32vbja8