Thank you, Congressman David Schweikert, for your support!
June 26
We were honored with a visit from Congressman David Schweikert and his beautiful son and daughter this morning, at our SRWHMG facility. Congressman Schweikert is very intune with the Wild Horse Issue and he is just as concerned as we are about what is happening with the Alpine wild horses, as well as the lawsuit looming over the Salt River wild horses. Congressman Schweikert lives in Fountain Hills and sees the Salt River wild horses all the time!
He stated that Humane Wild Horse Management through fertility control is the much better and more fiscally responsible option versus expensive and cruel removals. He purchased a wild and free t-shirt for his daughter, and both sweet kids got to touch a rescued Salt River wild horse!
Please go to his page and thank Rep. David Schweikert for his support! We will share some video’s of his visit later also.
Before people start being partisan with comments, we want you to know that our issue is a very bipartisan issue, and we have great support from Democratic leaders like Congressman Raul Grijalva also and they are working together for the sake of this issue.
We are very thankful for the support on both sides of the isle.
We believe that Congressman Schweikert’s point about fiscal responsibility is an important one, because after all, the roundups of Alpine wild horses are costing the taxpayer over a million dollars and the humane management of the Salt River wild horses is 100% funded by our donors and supporters!
Thank you so much for the lovely visit @repschweikert !!!
Rep. David Schweikert
Today, I visited the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group to observe how they care for wild horses in a humane and safe environment. I have always advocated for better protection for Arizona’s wild horse population, and I will continue to defend these animals from any cruel and inhumane treatment.