Thank You Is An Understatement, But Thank You Dear Volunteers!

Home » Thank You Is An Understatement, But Thank You Dear Volunteers!
Thank You Is An Understatement, But Thank You Dear Volunteers!

Thank You Is An Understatement, But Thank You Dear Volunteers!

During this Volunteer Appreciation Week we honor the commitment of our volunteers who work selflessly towards a common goal – the humane management of the Salt River wild horses.

We celebrate their dedication and the impact they make. Several teams strong they cover everything from road patrol, to field monitoring, to feed team, to darting, to fence fixing, to caretaking, to educating, to merchandising and fundraising and record keeping and then of course the daunting task of coordinating of all of the teams also!

We can’t thank our volunteer teams enough for the dedication, the love, the loyalty and the time they give every day to do something greater than themselves.

The AZDA once calculated that it would cost them 4 million a year to do the job we do for free. We couldn’t do this job without our amazing volunteers!


Let’s cheers to making memories, making friends and making a difference!

P.S. If you are interested in joining this great team, please visit our website and click “what you can do”.