The Magnificence of Wild Horses

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The Magnificence of Wild Horses

The Magnificence of Wild Horses

This FB page is our page for public information, but did you know that we also have another interesting FB page🐴 It is a community for photographers who frequent the river, so that we can share experiences together as well as with those who don’t get a chance to see the horses often. There is an honor code between photographers on our pages to respect the horses and to stick to our guidelines, so you know that the horses have not been bothered to get that one perfect picture. We want to thank all the 11,000 people on that page for their support over the years, from our protests, to passing the Salt River Horse Act, to actual management of the horses.
The photos and videos on this FB page are pure forms of art showing the heart and beauty of wild horses. So if you love the Salt River wild horses too, come join us! Click on this video to end up on that page, it is called : Salt River Wild Horses-Advocates. This video is one of our very favorites! Thank you, Drew Hastings!