The word “wild” does not mean: just let them suffer.
December 30th
This is Shadowfax on the left, and Batman on the right, just 10 minutes after we guided Shadowfax through our arena gate earlier today. He now joins Batman for reliable nutritious meals, the best of the best vetcare and loving volunteers.
These guys are true icons and we know how much they are loved. It is so good to hear everyone’s stories and experiences with these former lead stallions, who just need a soft landing.
We love your supportive comments so much and we are going to keep you updated as much as we can on their progress.
Humane wild horse management is a balancing act, and we do not always get to do what we want. But the one thing we know we have always done, is right by every horse and right by the public. We believe if we keep doing that, nomatter how hard it gets, everything is going to work out just fine.
We appreciate our partnership with the AZDA so much and with each responsible and kind decision, support for our kind of management grows. With each year they are still free, we find a little more appreciation for our hard work.
And with a stabilized population, even the strongest opponent of keeping them here, is seeing that we are delivering on our promises.
Just maybe, our way will turn out a pretty good deal for everyone, and most of all for the horses.
Well perhaps not everyone, our commitment is a bit of a raw deal for us, because we said we will solve every problem (hard work) and we will do it for free. (no income)
But thats OK, because there is no greater purpose than doing what is right and there is no greater reward than knowing you made a difference.
YOU help us make that difference!
We appreciate your comments and your shares so much. We look at every like, we notice every kind comment. But ofcourse, giving them space and care requires resources. The one dollar that was donated with a note that’s all they could afford, is as appreciated as the corporate sponsor or monthly donor.
Ending this year with what we know is the right decision and praying for humane wild horse management everywhere. From all of us , SRWHMG.