This is the opposite of humane or fiscally responsible management.
August 27th
We just want to share this post from our coalition partner the AWHC, because it is what is happening in our modern wild west. It is the opposite of humane or fiscally responsible management.
American wild horses today, need protection from the very agencies that are in charge of their protection.
This helicopter acts like a predator of the cruelest kind, relentlessness in its goal of stealing this stallion’s family from him, but he has a federal contract to do exactly what he is doing.
The worst thing about it is that there is no need for it. Humane birth control can accomplish more long-lasting reduction of horse populations year over year, without stampeding little foals and their families with helicopters. Fertility control is not only less cruel, but also less expensive, and less controversial.
Wild horses need your voice. Join us in our important mission for humane management for all wild horses everywhere.
American Wild Horse Campaign
August 19 at 3:11 PMThis video is a tough one to watch. Not because anything overtly inhumane happens — not in the physical sense at least.
No, a horse doesn’t have to be injured or die for a roundup to be traumatic.
The stunning Palomino you see in this video is a stallion of a small band. While its the lead mares’ role to guide the herd to food and water or decide on the direction they will take each day, the stallion’s role is that of the protector. When wild horses are peacefully existing, the stallion keeps the band together. He’s often seen at the back to keep everyone safe and moving forward. When danger occurs however, he takes action – he takes charge.
When the helicopter approached the Palomino stallion and his small family, he gave it the runaround. They were almost captured but at the last minute, realizing they were being funneled into a trap, he whipped around and guided his family back out to the millions of acres they call home.
He was just a bit too fast and his family was a bit too tired, running slower with a foal in tow.
Seeing the opportunity of separation between the determined stallion and his band, the helicopter cut them off and pushed his family back in the direction of the trap. You can faintly hear them calling out to him above the hum of the helicopter.
You watch as he stops, turns around, and looks towards them. You can almost see him trying to decide what to do. But if you’ve spent enough time observing wild horses and their complex social structures you know that he only has one choice. He runs back in the direction of the helicopter, of his family.
Defying the beast in the sky, he again tries to corral his family together. He knows they need to run fast and hard if they are going to get out of this. But he’s no match for the helicopter which has taken a sharp turn and lowered itself closer to the herd. Once more, he stops, realizing they aren’t with him any longer, and again he heads in their direction.
But he lost the fight. His family was captured. #stoptheroundups