This is what retirement looks like for a beloved 25-30 yr old Salt River wild horse.
September 30th
Shadowfax’s wild life was coming to an end, because he cannot eat anything anymore, except for mashed and soaked feed, as his teeth are completely worn down. Sadly this is a very normal way old horses die in the wild, and he did not have much time left. However, because all of you supported the decision, we rescued him after he lost his band.
What’s great is, our volunteers love making this old man his mash every day, and get a kick out of spoiling him, as well as all the other rescues of course. It’s like therapy for SRWHMG caretakers to make our rescues happy, and that’s literally all the horses have to do, be happy.
The expressions on his face are priceless and maybe you’ll get the same kick out of watching it. So many wild horses are so unlucky these days, but not the Salt River wild horses. Shadowfax has always taken care of his band with so much love and care; we think he deserves to be taken care of now.
We can only do this because of your support. We are in need of monthly sponsorships. Their monthly care is our biggest and highest cost program, but we feel that this is a part of humane wild horse management.
To learn more go to www.srwhmg.org
To follow Shadowfax and the other rescues on Facebook go to SRWHMG-Wild Rescues.