Today is Snow’s rescue date!
We can only pull off miracles like his if you support us. Please learn more about why the horses need you. Thank you!
Snow was orphaned in the wild at two weeks old. His beautiful mom Snow White died of mesquite colic in July 2018. We then searched for Snow and found him the following day. His band led by two powerful stallions were always protecting him and kept him in their midst. It was heartwarming to see, but we knew that he would slowly perish without his mother’s milk. With permission from the AZDA to rescue him, we were able to nab him from the stallions to save his life. Snow was as tough as he could, but acidosis combined with anemia (mesquite bean poisoning) needed initial fluids and plasma treatments then special feedings every hour around the clock for weeks.
Now 2 years old and loving life together with his best buddy Gideon, at our facility in Prescott. They have a lot of fun playing together and worth every dollar and every sleepless night.
We want to thank all of Snow’s sponsors who made it possible, but we also need your continued support.