Update! Bill HB2858 Loses Co-Sponsor
Good news! The bill that blocks humane management of Salt River wild horses, lost its co-sponsor.
Rep. Kelly Townsend refused to add an amendment to her bill (HB2858) yesterday, offered by the only co-sponsor of the bill, Rep. Jay Lawrence.
Following a committee hearing, Rep. Jay Lawrence, asked her to amend the bill to clarify that it would not hinder humane management, by adding that the AZDA and MCSO could authorize those programs, this is the amendment he offered:
Page 1, line 23, after “Salt River Horse Herd” insert “, except feeding, human interaction and other activities necessary to protect the health and wellbeing of the horses as authorized by the department or county sheriff pursuant to subsection C of this section.”
But Rep. Kelly Townsend refused.
As a result, Rep. Lawrence has withdrawn his co-sponsorship and told us that he wants his constituents to know that he loves the Salt River horses, and asked us to publish his statement. He stated: “At this moment Rep Townsend will not include the needed amendment, therefore I have notified her that I will remove my support of the bill. I was proud of my initial endorsement of the bill, but I can no longer support it in its current form and will be withdrawing as a co-sponsor.”
We want to thank Rep. Lawrence for recognizing that HB2858 puts humane management of the Salt River wild horses in jeopardy. Please send him a sincere thank you via email ([email protected]) or his Facebook page. You can also support Rep Jay Lawrence here under this post he made- we feel very bad that he is in the middle of this.
To help us fight this crazy bill (HB2858), please continue to contact your legislators and warn them that it is not what it seems. While the fact sheet for the bill makes it seem like it is saving the horses, in reality it will prohibit their humane management. Without humane management, the fate of the Salt River wild horses will, again, be unsure.
Here are some writing points, please keep it very polite and professional.
- HB2858 is not a good bill.
- It should be voted down unless it includes an amendment to clarify that this bill will not block the current humane management of the Salt River horses, and won’t hinder life saving measures including rescue when needed, the emergency feed program and the ability to dart the mares with birth control to humanely reduce population growth.
Proposed amendment:
House of Representatives Amendment to H.B. 2858. Page 1, line 23, after “Salt River Horse Herd” insert: “except feeding, human interaction and other activities necessary to protect the health and well-being of the horses as authorized by the department or county sheriff pursuant to subsection C of this section.”
Thank you,