UPDATE: Bush Hwy re opened as of 3 pm.
ALERT! Bush Hwy is CLOSED! Never in our lives have we seen so many people in the Tonto National Forest and on Bush Hwy!
All Rec Areas are filled to capacity, there is stand still traffic everywhere. Authorities have had to shut down Bush Hwy from all sides, from the Beeline, from Power Rd and from Usury Pass road. It is a mess, poor horses are confused too! (Although this is just a funny picture of some bachelor moves)
We have a few people on road patrol but the rest of our volunteers cannot get through either. We hope that people are being respectful to eachother, to the horses, to the authorities and to nature itself.
Please respect the wild horses by keeping a 50 ft minimum distance, they have no other place to go.
Everyone, Bartlett lake is really nice too!
We wish everyone a safe memorial day weekend.