Video updates on Batman.
October 20th
Watch the update on our Facebook Page
We want to thank our amazing supporters who make it possible for us to find space for one more Salt River wild horse, who deserves humane treatment.
Batman had a very good first rescue day. He ate and drank good and had a very good nap. He must have been exhausted from trying to keep up with his band for so long.
He needs to gain some pounds right now before it is safe for him to get sedated for vetcare. While he investigated his surroundings, we tried to answer some questions.
We are so gratefull for all of you, who make being compassionate to them, possible.
This is kind of awesome. He’s been a lieutenant stallion to his band, and in the end he was just trying to keep up with them until he could no longer. End of day one of his rescue, he lays his old bones down for a good rest, that has to feel good. We just want to thank everyone again for the absolutely amazing support.
Goodnight Batman.
From all of us, thank you.