Watch little Splendor bug his daddy!
June 10th
The fact that you can still watch beautiful wild horse families in Arizona is amazing! It is due to our humane management programs under the AZDA Salt River Horse Herd . But let’s watch out because some organizations are out to get them.
Right now we are working hard at raising funds and placing Alpine wild horses, because these organizations caused their complete removal from the Apache Forest. It is completely unjust, as the historic horses have lived there before the area became a national forest and 1700 (non native) cattle were just re-authorized. If we the public don’t stand up taller and bigger for the Salt River wild horses the same will happen to them. Who would be removed and who would stay?
They are still peacefully living along the Salt River, not harming anyone and not costing anyone a dime. For how long? That’s up to us as the public. We need YOUR help with their legal defense fund.
This is their legal defense fund and its not enough right now! https://gofund.me/1d25bd69