We got a truck!
June 16th @ 11PM
We are so very grateful to this wonderful couple Debbie and Doug!
When we put out a call that we were in need of a property truck, we did not hear back from any of the dealerships we contacted. So we were very disappointed.
Just as we let it go, we received a call from a lady named Debbie, who said: “Do you mind if it is not new, do you still want it if it has over 200,000 miles on it?” We said: “Are you kidding? We don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth!” 😉
Debbie and Doug are moving out of State and as Debbie was transferring the title to the group, she said: “We wanted to leave something good behind in Arizona for the Arizona Icons that we love!”
How awesome are they? We cannot thank them enough for making our jobs a little easier now. We also want to give a special shout out to all of our hard working volunteers who do use their own trucks and resources to get the jobs accomplished that keep the Salt River Wild Horses safe. To say that our volunteers go the extra mile for these horses, is an understatement.
So! Please help us thank this generous and kind couple.
THANK YOU Debbie and Doug!! SRWHMG.