We have another birthday to celebrate today!
Talia & Nessa were rescued from the Holbrook Auction at the Navajo Fairgrounds on August 10th, 2023. If you remember from our post back then, SRWHMG saved several Alpines at that auction from a worst fate than the one that had already happened to them by being removed from the home in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. Our facility in Prescott became home to 10 of those Alpines, but Talia & Nessa came to our facility in the Valley to be companions for Shadowfax & Batman. We suspected that one or both girls could be with foal and as it turned out we were right. After a few months at the rescue, it became quite apparent that Talia was going to be a mom!
Born April 14th, 2023 in a world where he was not welcome in his historic home of the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, but where he was very welcome here at SRWHMG! We named him Thank You- yes, we are serious. His name is really Thank You! We will call him Ty. Now are you wondering how we came up with Thank You? He is our official Thank You Ambassador to everyone who has supported his Alpine Herd!
Everyone who made calls, worked in the field, adopted horses. We want to Thank You! His name is truly based on love and our gratitude.
Happy 1️⃣st Birthday Ty, we ❤ love you!
If you would like to sponsor Ty and his family, please click on their sponsor link, https://saltriverwildhorsemanagementgroup.org/alpine-wild-horse-fund/